Sunday, February 28, 2010

Book Trailers

Just did a prelim trailer for my upcoming Echelon Press release. I must have suffered from trailer creator block or something, because at first, I was just at a loss. What would be the best images? The most enticing micro-passages from the story. Anyway, I made it through. Book trailers--boy, they're tough to make, but I love watching them! I'll post mine later this week...

A respectable writing day, also, with around 1000 words on "the novel." The end is within reach--two or three days at the most. Then comes the tough part.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Weekend horror--THE Final Destination. Sucked. Hopefully, we'll do better tonight.
Can't believe I'm awake.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Yes--a very productive writing week. Nearing the end of both a novel and a short story. One poem written. Acceptances from The DF_Underground, SNM Horror Magazine and Echelon Shorts.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dear Writers of LOST

Nobody gives a shit about Jack and Kate. Seriously. It's become like that book that starts out great, then peters out. Still, you have to get to the end because of all the time you've already invested in the thing.

Give me some BEN!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Word meters

I'm trying to play with these word meter things--some added motivation. Short story in progress:

2567 / 3500

Novel that is almost finished and probably in need of a good trim, with a pretty good guess at the final word count:

101101 / 106000

Monday, February 22, 2010


Rented Final Destination 3 over the weekend and wondered why it seemed so familiar.  The answer--because it was NOT Final Destination 4--duh!  Watched the whole stupid thing through before deciding to check the Netflix envelope.  (Odds were I was a bit tipsy when I watched it the first time.) 

Streamed the episode of Masters of Horror: Imprint, which started slow, but really became strange and pretty horrible--but in a good way.  Great imagery--I even got a nightmare out of it, which seldom happens from watching movies.  It did lose me when the "sister" came into the story--just too cheesy for me. 

The only other episode of MOH was from a Bentley Little story called The Washingtonians, which was pretty cool, but not as cool as the story.

Maybe I'll get Final Destination 4 this weekend, but who knows?  I might otherwise just rent another silly movie I've already seen, but forgot.  Part 1 ruined me for airplanes, 2 for driving behind logging trucks, 3 for roller coasters--does 4 have house work in it?  I'd like to stop doing that . . .

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Zombie Story

Most horror fans love a zombie story.  Here is the link to one I had forgotten about.  And BTW(referring to a couple of comments on the story), the misspells are intentional.  This is the blog of a teenage girl, from the U.S. public educational system.  She is not a rocket scientist.  (Some people just can't catch on.)

Thanks for the other comments, however.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Updating the Site

Re-vamping the lame website. 

Latest news includes appearances at and Daikaijuzine